Upgrade Releases

ProMANAGE Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) System is being constantly upgraded by our innovation team, who also add new functions to it. In order for the system that’s being upgraded in line with the developing technologies to remain up-to-date, periodical updates are made four times a year and the spreading of upgrades is ensured. Upgrades are made on the following dates:

  • March 15
  • June 15
  • September 15
  • December 15

A part of the new features added to the ProMANAGE Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) System and some of its R&D activities are being carried out with the win-win understanding. After the evaluation of the wishes conveyed by our customers, R&D projects are launched via gaining inspiration from the wishes that will benefit the whole system. When the application is brought to life, the company that conveyed its wishes, as well as all of our other customers benefit from these improvements.