ProMANAGE Advanced User Training

This training aims to teach users how to become ProMANAGE Advanced Level Users who can use the system in a more productive way and for advanced purposes, organize the system depending on needs, help other users and prepare substructures. This training was designed for manufacturing, planning, method development and continuous improvement officials.

Competencies that users will gain within the scope of this training are as follows:
  • Has full command of the “ system topology ” and knowledge of assembling components.
  • Can manage the basic description elements in the system.
  • Knows the functioning systematics of the data gathering structure
  • Has complete knowledge on ProMANAGE’s most basic scope and the opportunities it can provide to a factory.
  • Gains the viewpoint of planning what needs to be done to decrease losses and increase productivity in a factory with OEE management information necessary for the daily manufacturing operations to be carried out rapidly and in detail.
  • Gains the skill of interpreting data gathered in ProMANAGE, analyzing and eliminating extraordinary situations.
  • Gains knowledge of the applications made with web service.
  • Knows how to introduce a user to the system and to manage the rights and authorities of the current users.
  • Gains the skill of generating reports that are necessary in parallel with the subject of improvement that he is working on.
  • Can carry out the management and usage of the Machine Indicator’s screen design, report templates and Incident Module.

KeyUser Training

This training aims to teach users how to become ProMANAGE KeyUsers who are experts in using the ProMANAGE system in the most appropriate and productive way in factories, in determining and eliminating possible problems beforehand and who have knowledge on additional modules and full command of the entire system. This training is designed for manufacturing, planning, method development and continuous improvement officials.

Competencies that users will gain within the scope of this training are as follows:
  • Can effectively operate and use the ProMANAGE system in factories.
  • Can manage the settings and parameters of the ProMANAGE system.
  • Can carry out the applications regarding setup, upgrades, data backup, system and NetPC performance measuring.
  • Can conduct the use and management of sending automatic emails and SMS’, web service and other services.
  • Knows how to use the support portal.
  • Has knowledge on the existence of additional modules and the purpose they serve.
  • Can add or remove “new machines,” PC and users to the system.
  • Can use the system in a level that enables him to set up the additional modules that his company uses, change settings, manage and respond to its mistakes.
  • Can manage and effectively use the system in factories on the issues of controlling basic level data gathering operability, using the entire system, giving system trainings, determining operational problems and creating solutions.
  • Has command of the system topology, system log records and examination tools in the level that he can find the system’s problems regarding IT, hardware, and software via finding the root cause through backward tracing.